Flexible pricing plans

Exploratory Consultation‍

Duration: 30 mins

For patients who have additional questions and would prefer an initial consultation to better understand the diagnostic process and what is involved.

Our Consultant Psychiatrist will define whether you meet the criteria to progress to the diagnostic consultation.

If you are eligible the payment for this consultation will be deducted from the £1450 for the full diagnosis and report.

Exploratory Consultation £250

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Consultation and Full Diagnosis Report

Duration: 120-180 mins

This comprehensive consultation with our experienced psychiatric Consultant covers;

  • General psychiatric Pre-Assessment & screening
  • Full diagnosis and report- 45 minute follow-up Consultation & discussion on results.
  • Agree a treatment plan and provide prescriptions
  • Required tests or diagnostics such as bloods, blood pressure check & ECG
  • 30-minute Consultation to monitor progress (approx. 6 weeks after diagnosis)

Consultation and Diagnosis Report £1450

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Additional Consultations

Duration: 30 mins

These can be requested by the patient at the frequency they prefer.

Additional Consultations £200

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Pay in Full - Consultation and Diagnosis Report £1450

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Flexible Payments available
- 5 instalments of £320

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ADHD Assessment Costs Explained

When considering an ADHD assessment and the cost there are many factors to think about before you make a decision. You will find lots of different prices and it can be very confusing and difficult to know if each cost represents the same service. We do know that in life it’s very unusual to experience exactly the same product or service at vastly different prices, so you should make sure that you spend some time looking at what the price actually includes. We have provided a useful comparison table here to help you below. 

You can book directly from our site but if you have any questions and would like to speak to us first please call 0333 050 5088 to speak to one of our customer support team or use our contact form here.

Our ADHD Stages

Stage 1 - Exploratory Consultation - 30 minutes

Initial consultation, analysis & review to discover whether this is the right healthcare pathway for you.

Stage 2 - Consultation & Full Diagnosis Report – 120-180 min session depending on complexity

A comprehensive consultation with our experienced psychiatric Consultant covers assessment, a medical history review and diagnostic interviews and will be followed by a full diagnosis and report.This stage also includes any necessary tests or diagnostics such as bloods, blood pressure check & ECGs.

Stage 3 - Follow-up Consultation & discussion on results -  45 min session

Our psychiatric consultant will follow up with you, explain the results of investigations, agree a treatment plan and provide any required prescriptions.

Stage 4 - Additional consultations & Monitoring - 30 min sessions

To review the success of your treatment & medication, understand your feedback and answer any questions you have, including liaising with your local care providers if you would find this helpful.

(Our recommendation is for another 2 consultations within the first 12 months, in year 2 a consultation every 6 months and from year 3 a 12-month consultation to review your treatment & medication and answer any questions you may have.)

Speak to our Team

We know that getting an ADHD diagnosis can be challenging. Talk to one of our knowledgeable team members who can assist you in navigating the process.

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